Community Partner Conditions for Collaboration

By registering, you confirm your acknowledgement and consent to participate as a community partner for the Show-Me ECHO project. Community partners agree to:

  • Participate collegially in regularly scheduled Show-Me ECHO conferences by presenting cases, providing comments, asking questions;
  • Keep confidential any patient information provided by other community partners during a conference;
  • Complete periodic surveys to help improve services to clinicians and other partners;
  • Use required software including, but not limited to Zoom and Box;
  • Provide clinical updates and de-identified outcome data on patients as needed;
  • Be solely responsible for the treatment of your patients and understand that all clinical decisions rest with you regardless of recommendations provided by other Show-Me ECHO participants and;
  • Ensure that your patients are aware of your participation in Show-Me ECHO and their de-identified information could be shared.
  • Be photographed and recorded during Show-Me ECHO sessions.

In order to support the growth of the ECHO movement, Project ECHO® collects participation data for each teleECHO™ program. This data allows Project ECHO to measure, analyze, and report on the movement’s reach. Aggregate data is used in reports, on maps and visualizations, for research, for communications and surveys, for data quality assurance activities, and for decision-making related to new initiatives.